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Operation Retaliation: Q&A with Gary

As I was wandering around the Snow Forts at the Operation, I ran into Gary! He let me ask him a few questions before he left! MJ: What are your thoughts on the destruction the meteor caused? Gary: Well, I had been tracking this meteor for awhile now, and knew it would hit! I never knew the damage would be so intense. It make me feel sad that Herbert may be behind this, but the EPF will defeat him! MJ: Where can EPF agents meet to discuss the current issues? Gary: Hmm, this is top secret! But if your a EPF agent I recommend going to the Forest and looking around there since the HQ is unable to be accessed at the moment! MJ: Are there any more reported meteors? JPG: I believe not, Herbert seemed to knock this one of course from Operaton Crustacean back in 2015, It has been heading towards the island ever since! The others were not impacted and are most likely out of CMP's atmosphere! Gary knows alot of information! What do you think of this interview? Leave question suggestions in the comments! Waddle On, - ClubMinePenguin Team

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